Once the capitol of the immense Austrian Empire and a major cultural center in Europe, Vienna is really full of pomp and grandeur. We arrived last night and had dinner at a little Pizzeria, where they served me a piece of baked Swiss cheese (or something like that…).
Naturally, we began our search for a bar or a club after dinner. We didn’t really succeed. I had a Fosters at an Australian pub, but ended up giving most of it to Clint and Jessica. As we searched, we also got a premature tour of the city. We walked past St. Karls Kirche, St. Stephan’s Cathedral, and some amazing multi-colored fountains. All the while, I couldn’t stop thinking about how lucky we are to be here.
Friday morning, we began out tour of Vienna at the Hundertwasser Krawanahaus—an amazing, colorful, abstractly designed building. I loved it! I want to live there…though we couldn’t actually go in, and it’s probably a really expensive house to live in. We continued to the Belvedere Palace and looked at artwork by Gustav Klimt and Schiele. “The Kiss” is one piece that I recognized, since my parents once had it hanging on their wall. In truth, it isn’t as romantic as a casual observer may believe. The couple is positioned awkwardly and it almost looks as though the woman is unsure. It is a beautiful piece of art, though.
Onward we went to the Schönbrunn Palace, where the crazy Hofbergs once resided. Overall, it was extravagant and elegant—but I couldn’t help but think of how much wealth some people had and how superfluously they spent it. It’s all a bit ridiculous. I was separated from the group (crap) but eventually found Clint, who had also been separated from the group. We walked through the gardens. It was sunny and we passed an artist who was painting a picture of the path. Then, we found some Roman ruins. That little stroll was probably the highlight of my day. It was nice to kind of get away from the huge crowds, even if it was only for a half hour.
Dinner was a nice plate of pasta for me. The marinara sauce was a bit sweeter than I’m used to, but it was sure tasty. I went out on the town with Sarah and Linda, and we hit up the Starbucks (yeah—I know…why are we going to Starbucks in Vienna? Well…because we can). I managed to flirt a little in German, so I was pretty proud of myself. I ordered a double-shot macchiato espresso with milk…and I downed that bad boy! Whoo. Eventually, we found ourselves at a Salsa Dance club, where cocktails were 7,50 Euro (no thanks!) and you had to know how to dance…really dance. So, I guess learning to Salsa is on my to-do list.
On Saturday morning, we began our day of touring at the Vienna Opera House. In honesty, I was most impressed with the size of the stage and the sets. They have to move those immense sets every day, in order to accommodate all of their performances! I saw the set for the Barber of Seville from behind, and could tell it would be amazing.
Then, we were walking through the city and we “met” some Lipizzaner Stallions. They were so beautiful! I took a video of them walking by. Then, we looked around in St. Stephan’s Cathedral. It was huge, all gothic, and creepy…but so cool!
During the lunch break, I had Cappuccinos with Allison and Erica. It was lovely. Meanwhile, there was a red nose benefit going on, and there were clowns EVERYWHERE. Ugh…not fun for my clown fear. I did overcome some fear and posed with “Mozart.”
The Kunsthistorisches Museum was very interesting and I saw so many famous pieces of art—up close and personal! Some of my favorites were by Raphael, because the colors were bright and the scenes were happy, for the most part. Unfortunately, we did not stop to talk a lot about his work.
The day ended with our attendance of The Barber of Seville. We all dressed up and looked stunning, which was super-exciting. The opera itself was humorous and light, but the plot wasn’t that exciting. The singing and acting was wonderful, of course. It didn’t disappoint…not that I’m an expert or anything.
I was thoroughly exhausted from the day, so I went to bed right away. We drove back on Sunday morning, stopping at a Byzantine Monastery for a guided tour. It was good, but I was so tired. I am now glad to be back in Salzburg, at the center, typing up my memories and promising myself that I will post photos in the near future.