There's this tradition in Austria called the Krampuslauf, traditionally taking place on December 5, the night before St. Nicholas Day. Apparently it came from some old pagan tradtions of the area, before it was Christianized...and it's still around. The Krampus arrive with St. Nicholas and hit or kidnap pretty girls and terrorize the people.
I joined some friends at Hellbrunn for a traditional Krampuslauf last night. Before the Krampus showed up, I had the pre-rollercoaster jitters, but I did not expect it to be bad. Plus, we were told that it was "family friendly" which led me to believe that there would be no beatings or kidnappings. Well--I was wrong. The Krampus paraded in with torches and sparklers, wearing huge scary masks and growling. At first, they seemed nice--like they were just going to parade on by--but then, they began to attack. The area around me cleared out and everyone ran away. I closed my eyes out of fear, and opened them and there was a huge, gruesome white face, inches from mine. Before I was fully aware of what was going on, I screamed, "no!" pushed him away and ran. Then, a candle burning nearby was knocked over, and the red-masked Krampus had grabbed Jenni.
I was so scared. I knew that they were just guys in costume, but the fire and the masks and the whips...I just couldn't really take I left the center, and hid in the petting zoo. Now that I'm writing this, I know how incredibly pathic I was. The others managed to suck it up. They took some tackles and beatings, but I was chillin' with the goats. Well--don't call me a chicken, just yet. I present to you some amazing photos of the Krampus, and maybe you'll understand.